The following information is believed to be accurate and reliable when placed on our site. For information about specific flights you should contact your airline directly.

Airport Information

Airline Terminal Seat Selection Customer Service
Skyservice 3 (877) 256-7946 (800) 701-9448
Air Transat 3 (877) 872-6728 (877) 872-6728
Air Canada (Int'l) 1 (888) 247-2262
Air Canada (Domestic) 2 (888) 247-2262
Air France 3 (800) 667-2747
British Airways 3 (800) AIRWAYS
KLM 3 (800) 447-4747

Documentation All Canadian visitors to Britain and Ireland require a valid Canadian passport for entry. All non-Canadian citizens require a Permanent Resident card for entry back in to Canada as of January 1, 2004. All British or Irish visitors to Canada require a valid EC passport and a ticket for return.

Electricity The standard voltage is 240V, AC, 50HZ. An adapter converter is necessary for any electrical appliances you may wish to take.

Currency It is suggested that you travel with travelers cheques in Canadian Dollars. Canadian money can be exchanged at any bank in Britain or Ireland. Currency Exchange is located at airports. It is recommended that you change a small amount to Euros or Pounds Sterling to cover the weekend of arrival. Rate of exchange is usually better in overseas than in Canada.

Banks Generally open Monday to Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm. Automatic Teller Machines are also widely available.

V.A.T. Value Added Tax on goods purchased in Ireland is 13.5% and in Britain 17.5%. Application for refund of this tax can be obtained by the store completing a cash back form. You will be asked to present your passport. Please note that not all stores offer this facility and there is often a minimum purchase price. After the customs officer has certified the form, it should be returned to the cash back desk, who will issue the refund, from which a small administration fee may be deducted.

Tipping Some restaurant bills include a service charge; where a service charge is not included, it is customary to leave a tip of 10 - 15% for table service. All prepaid meals include service charge. No tipping for bar service. It is customary to tip your coach driver/guide at the end of your trip, the customary tip is $5 - $10 per person.

Calling Home Most hotels charge a service charge of up to 50%. It may be less expensive to call collect or use Canada Direct Service card, in conjunction with your Bell Canada calling card.

Driving You require a valid international license to drive in Britain or Ireland. They drive on the left hand side of the road and the most popular rental cars are manual shift.

Passport and Valuables It is recommended that you keep your passport, airline tickets and any medications on your person when you are travelling. It is also advisable if you are on medication to bring an extra prescription with you just in case of loss.

Embassy Addresses in Canada 

The Embassy of Ireland
130 Albert Street, Suite 1105
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4

T: (613) 233-6281

British High Commission
80 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5K7

T: (613) 237-1530

Tourist Information Tourism Ireland
2 Bloor Street West, Suite 1501
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2

T: (416) 925-6368 or 1-800-223-6470

British Tourist Authority
5915 Airport Road, Suite 120
Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1T1

T: (905) 405-1720 or 1-888-VISIT-UK

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